Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to maintain a sex life

1. Stress the Emotional Bonds of Sex
Sex should be about more than just physical gratification. It's a means of enhancing your relationship with each other and of expressing the emotional connections you both share. Strive to make sex romantic and exciting. Emphasize mood enhancers like lit candles, rose petals and a romantic evening out on the town. Be aware of your partner's needs and wishes during sex and strive to make him happy as much as he makes you happy. Talk about your sex life with your partner and find out what excites him. The connections you make will improve not only your sex life, but also your connection as a couple.

2. Masturbate
"Don't knock masturbation," Woody Allen said famously, "It's sex with someone I love." While people may feel odd about masturbating when they're in a committed relationship, it can be a very helpful tool in a healthy sex life. Make it part of the sex act itself, either as a form of foreplay with your partner or as a means of "warming up" beforehand. You can also use it on your own to explore the things you find arousing and learn how to control your arousal in order to extend sexual sessions with your partner.

3. Stay in Shape
Exercise is an excellent way to raise your overall energy levels and have more stamina in the bedroom. Experts recommend cardiovascular exercise, such as running, swimming and cycling in particular. It increases the blood flow in the body and emphasizes endurance. Exercises specifically aimed at a healthy sex life can be stressed too. Tantric techniques can be explored, and more direct exercises, such as kegel exercising (strengthening the woman's vaginal muscles) and PC exercising (strengthening the man's pelvic muscles), can help as well.

4. Respect Your Partner's Wishes
This includes being attentive to her in the bedroom and seeing to her needs as much as your own. But it also includes listening when she may not be in the mood for sex or noticing when her motor is really running. Postpone sex if it doesn't feel right for her, or set aside other activities if she really wants it. You should expect your partner to reciprocate and be attentive to your needs as well. Make sex a choice rather than an obligation and seek out ways in which both of you can enjoy it every time you have it.

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